Arid Skincare emerged from the serene pastures of Australia, embodying a journey that began as Sister Skincare in 2019. My sister Amy, the spirit and the force behind the original brand, envisioned a sanctuary of natural, organic, and authentically Australian skincare. Amid the quaint and resilient rural landscape we called home, this dream took root.

As we ventured into 2022, fate led us down a melancholic path with Amy’s departure from this world. The void she left was palpable, yet within it resonated a robust aspiration - a legacy tenderly entwined with the earthy essence of rural Australia. The prospect of rebranding was a shared dream, one that awaited realisation as Amy sought treatment. However, time’s whims unfolded differently, leading to the birth of Arid Skincare posthumously, a tribute to Amy's cherished memories of the Simpson Desert. It was during a familial expedition to this barren yet beautiful part of Australia that we found laughter, created indelible memories, and fostered an everlasting bond with the outback.

As Arid Skincare gently unfolds its new essence to the world, the voyage I, Kate, now navigate is imbued with a blend of resolve and cherished memories. Each day unfurls as a tribute to Amy's indomitable spirit, her love for Australia’s rustic elegance, and her aspiration to nurture the skin health of both men and women. Though Amy’s shoes are irreplaceable, each stride on this voyage manifests her enduring legacy, channeling Arid Skincare towards the horizons she envisioned. The narrative now warmly beckons you to become part of this shared dream, to revel in the quintessence of Australia’s vast landscape through each lovingly crafted Arid Skincare product, and to honour a legacy nurtured under the golden Australian sun.